Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My First Dose of Hypnosis and How I Cut My Own Strings

By Amber Light

I will never forget that intense level of relaxation that I seemed to instantly drop into without any cares or concerns. I do not remember exactly what the intended purpose was now, approximately 15 years later, but I will never forget how it felt.
It felt so incredibly good, it is almost addicting to go through that type of relaxation, so instantly, yet be completely aware and awake of everything, if not even more so.

15 or so years ago, I remember I had volunteered as an older teenager to participate in a hypnosis demonstration at my home, in front of my sister and her best friend who were watching. The hypnotist was an A.C.H.E. Clinical Hypnotherapist and had many years of experience working with clients in California, and was taught directly by the A.C.H.E. Founder, the late Gil Boyne, the original 'Hypnotist to the Stars'. 

The hypnotist had done several relaxation instructions with me and had achieved a pretty good rapport with me with just the relaxation. It was so cool that whenever he would just snap his fingers and say sleep, I would just immediately drop into the best relaxed state ever.  My chin would dip down to my chest and all of my muscle would just relax and my mind would just become silent. And as soon as he would snap his fingers again, I would open my eyes and straighten out again. I remember he also tested to see if I could imagine a balloon tied to my left wrist and was holding books with my right. It was pretty cool to feel my muscles coordinating with what I was imagining. I did okay with that, but that part was not so fast. It took a few minutes, I think, to have my arms really spread apart.

After that, he brought me out of hypnosis and we all talked about what hypnosis was and what it was not, and all the different kinds of people the hypnotist had helped by using hypnosis to with them. The stories were fascinating, some of them were hard to believe, and yet they all had that ‘wow’ factor behind them. It was so wonderful to hear how the hypnotist had been able to help people from so many different walks of life. He helped people quit smoking, lose weight, recover function and walk again after a severe stroke, past lives, fertility, pain, stage, and so much more. He even described some things that were not typical hypnosis applications that were more spiritual and paranormal based.

Of course, with the open and curious mind that I have, I was soaking up all of the hypnotist’s stories like a sponge. I thought that it was so incredible and wonderful to hear how powerful the mind was and how it could be used to help people accomplish their goals and dreams. After this we took a little break and then reconvened upstairs to continue with the conversation.

I was the last one up to the room and when I had reached the top of the stairs, the hypnotist was standing just a few feet from the landing and my sister and her friend were sitting down already. When I cleared the last of the stairs the hypnotist had me stand directly in front of him. As I was staring at the hypnotist’s face, he snapped his fingers and commanded ‘sleep.’

This is the magic juiciness of the story right here. As soon as he did that, the best way to describe the powerful, instantaneous, and tranquil feeling I had is to describe what it would feel and look like in a metaphor. And know that, I did it all myself, as all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

Imagine a puppet that is controlled by the puppeteer and the strings attached to different parts of the puppet’s body. That puppeteer controls the motions and actions of that puppet. Well, liken the puppeteer to my brain and central nervous system. If you were to take a large pair of scissors and gather up all the strings attached to that puppet, and in one swift cut, all the strings were cut, what would happen?

Well, it would basically lose all physical tension and stress that the strings were applying to it, and it would collapse into a clutter of itself.

That is the best way to describe what had happened to me, when he snapped his fingers and said ‘sleep’.  My eyes closed and I could feel all my muscles instantly release their strength and tension. It was lightning fast as I began to drop like a wet dish rag to the ground.

And while you would think that no one could willingly ‘fall’ to the ground like that, I did not care. It was good however, that the hypnotist did catch me and did help me relax to the floor. It was very safe and controlled the whole time.

Now, I know that this sounds weird, that someone would say sleep and ‘down’ the other goes. In this instance, I had never seen or experienced hypnosis, ever. I had no idea what I was in for, until I was already in it and feeling it. Therefore, I had zero preconditioning before this day.

Also, even if I were to attempt to replicate what I had done without being hypnotized to do so, it would look much different. Because if I were to try to collapse to the floor on my own I would be unable to let myself do it the same exact way as I would probably drop to a knee or heel and then as quickly as I could but as skillfully as possible. I would lay myself out, controlling each and every muscle that was involved. It would have looked like I was acting at the very best, or slowly and carefully breaking my fall at the very worst.

Back to the story, it was the best feeling I could possibly imagine. In one second, I was standing with my own two legs, the next second, I was so instantly relaxed, I had no strength or ability to remain standing. It was just like the puppet; I just had my strings cut and it felt so spectacular! No conscious person can even imagine how good it feels to relax under hypnosis until they experience it for themselves!

To this day, I wish I could have seen the look on my sister and her friend’s face when they watched me go down like that. It was like magic just happened. It felt like he just snapped his fingers and magic happened to me.

After he let me lie there and relax, listening to his commands as well as listening to him talk, I remember he made a joke for everyone and I laughed at the joke just as if I was wide awake. It felt so good; you really do not want to come out of hypnosis. Eventually he did have me come up out of it and I was able to describe to my friends, how it felt like a puppet whose strings were cut.

And that was my first experience with hypnosis. An honest review of my initiation into the realm of hypnosis. Since then I have been trained under the A.C.H.E. where I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist that can help clients in a variety of applications, and specializing in Smoking Cessation and SoulKey Therapy.

If you would like to book a session and feel the wonderful power of hypnosis, or are interested in resolving an issue or problem with hypnotherapy, just click here to learn more or call 208-718-2340.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Hypnosis: The Most Effective Way to Become a Permanent Non-Smoker

Hypnosis: The Most Effective Way to Become a Permanent Non-Smoker

Many people often after seeing the wonder and awe after a hypnosis show usually hear how it can help them with stopping smoking. For most people, yes, it can. It is easier for some than others. What do I mean by this, well, it means how ready are you to actually give up this habit for good. For some, they associate it with secondary gains or with emotional ties. Many people think that they are addicted to smoking which is simply not true. No one is addicted to nicotine despite what the companies and products tell people that they are. In fact, all of those companies that are selling the pills, patches, gums, etc to people are actually just another division within the tobacco company that are still geared to selling you the nicotine they sell you to make you believe you need in order to quit being addicted to nicotine. Does that even make sense to you? Not to me. 

So, many people often find that they can try just about every stop smoking product out there and not have success because they are merely buying into the concept that by choosing an alternative method to getting their nicotine, they will give up the ‘worse’ version of their nicotine addiction of cigarettes. While these products may work for some, they do not work for the majority.

What I have found, it simply lies in the individual’s belief and conviction to becoming a non-smoker. Their belief that they are ready to be free of those foul things that are robbing them of their health and money. Once someone really and truly becomes committed to this, some people can stop immediately and never turn back. However, for some, they find it more challenging. Those people, that have made the decision to stop and yet they feel need additional support to help them along the process of giving up their ‘smokes’, often are in need of breaking their habits. And this, is often why the nicotine laden products really do not help them because they are not addressing their habit of smoking. This can really and only truly be changed by addressing the subconscious reasons for why someone started smoking in the first place.

Most people, begin when they are young and at that impressionable age. At this age, they are trying to blend in and feel cool with their friends or family that are also doing it. Personal image to a young impressionable mind becomes a large reason why many people end up doing things they later regret. I am no stranger to this either. I have done many things as a teenager that in hindsight, as a grown adult later, I never would have agreed to or done. However, the developing mind at those early years do not have the capacity usually to understand or even acknowledge retrospection as the true gift that it is.

This is why probably more than 90% of smokers all started when they were young, and virtually no one starts after the age of 30. Besides, in this day in age, it is not like it has not been beaten into the developing minds of how bad it is for you. However, that knowledge gets pushed to the sideline when someone is trying to be cool and fit it.

What happens when people start smoking for these reasons, because it is a repetitive motion, that motion gets locked into their subconscious and the habit is born. All habits are born out of repetition and are implanted into the subconscious. The Cambridge dictionary defines a habit as ‘something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it.’ This is exactly what smokers do. They often engage in smoking when around their friends or peers, because it is just what they are used to doing to convince themselves that they belong and fit in with the others, and it quickly becomes a habit.

So, when someone is used to doing something that they are not even consciously aware of, (really), this is where hypnosis helps. Because if someone just wanted to stop smoking, and it was not deeply rooted in their subconscious, they just would easily make the decision and be done. Some people can do this by their willpower alone, like those people that just decide one day to be done, and they are. The majority of people cannot.

This is why hypnosis is so effective for treating so many things in addition to helping people stop smoking, because we can get straight into the subconscious mind and reprogram it for the client’s desired change. A smoker wanting to become a non-smoker has the best chance of success by using hypnotherapy to achieve that goal.

Now, speaking of hypnotherapists, we are not all the same. When it comes to smoking, we all treat it different as to what we believe the client will need to have the greatest level of success. As a hypnotherapist, we cannot force you to do something that you do not want to do. If you come into a hypnotherapist’s office because your spouse or kids have been nagging at you to go and you finally come in to fulfill their wishes to have you be a non-smoker rather than your own desire for this change, you most likely will not have any success.

Many hypnotherapists will ‘screen’ their patients for their willingness to commit to becoming a permanent non-smoker. I am the same way, I also screen my clients and if I do not believe someone is truly ready for this change, I will turn them away and tell them to come back when they are serious. In my program, I screen my clients before we do any change work.

In my smoking cessation program, I utilize the world’s most effective process to help people become free of their cigarettes. I also have a lifetime guarantee, which means if someone ever does get a craving or picks up the habit of smoking again, they can come back in and see me again for free. I can offer this because it only happens with about 5% of my clients. This technique has helped thousands of people become free and I am happy to offer anyone who is also looking to become free of tobacco a free 1 hour consultation to see if this would be right for them.

If I decide that you are ready to be free now and forever of that smoking behavior, you will have the best success by taking action. Hypnosis is the only and most effective way to become a permanent non-smoker. Just click the link here or call 208-718-2340 to learn more!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

4 Steps to Booking a Hypnotherapy Session
By Amber Light

For people who are seriously considering a hypnotherapist for their needs, but want more information and knowledge on how to do so.
Well, let me just say what you are in for a treat! Hypnotherapy has been around since ancient times, most commonly used for healing and pain relief, and probably even more than we will ever be aware of! Hypnosis actually comes down from the Greeks, with the word hypno meaning sleep, and osis meaning knowledge.
Today hypnotherapy is a healing modality with a wide variety of applications, ranging from smoking cessation to pain relief and even further applications like stress management and achieving your intended goals. Other uses for hypnotherapy may be explorations of the mind including various methods of past life regressions and inner mind work.
However, if this is your first time with hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you may not know what is expected of you or what yourself might expect within your first session. Let me assure you, this is completely normal!
There are some things that you should consider like what motivated you to book a session and what are your reasons for seeing a hypnotherapist, but that will be further discussed further in the content. Just know, that you cannot do anything “wrong” in your first session, however it is beneficial to you and your hypnotherapist to be as thoroughly prepared as possible to make the most out of your hypnosis journey.
Keep reading to be guided into what is expected of you for your first session and what you can expect from your hypnotherapist to make the most out of your first session.
1. Identifying your Therapeutic Needs
At this point, you probably have an idea of what your therapeutic needs are. Otherwise, you probably would not be seeking a hypnotherapist’s services.
It is also possible that you have been given a referral from a psychologist or from an alternative medicine practitioner, but know that neither of those are necessary in order to see a hypnotherapist.
Even so, it is important to understand your own intentions for attending a hypnosis session in resolving your issue or to further your endeavors. Knowing what you aim to accomplish with this service will help you to make the most out of every session, especially your first.
As I mentioned before, hypnosis and hypnotherapy have been around for thousands of years, helping people in so many ways the list is endless. Just about anything you can think of can be aided with hypnosis on a much stronger and powerful level than any other version of ‘therapy’ can provide.
The average success rate for…
               Psychoanalysis:             38% recovery after 600 sessions
               Behavior Therapy:         72% recovery after 22 sessions
               Hypnotherapy:               93% recovery after 6 sessions
                                                        Source: Psychotherapy Magazine (Vol.7, No.1, Alfred A. Barrios, PhD

From addictions to hypno-birthing to releasing affecting traumas to helping aid various medical mysteries, hypnosis can help in a wide variety of applications.
Identify what your needs or reasons are for hypnosis ahead of time. Be as specific as possible, as your hypnotherapist will likely ask you about these in advance or at the very beginning of you first session in order to form a clear goal for the outcome of the session.
Here is an example: Let’s assume that someone who schedules an appointment is coming in to help with their anxiety. They may have been seeing other mental health professionals or perhaps not, but now they are coming to see a hypnotherapist for help.
They want to explore this more deeply, so it would be important for this person to mention all their thoughts and beliefs that they feel help trigger their anxiety. Write down a list of these needs before you arrive to your first session, and you can then also take these notes with you to give or show to the hypnotherapist. If you think it is important and might be a contributing factor to your issue, include it.
2. Choosing the Right Hypnotherapist
Actually, the right hypnotherapist can make the difference between a so-so session and one that delivers inspiring results! With this in mind, make sure you take the time to identify the right provider. We are not a dime a dozen, we each have had our own unique training and experiences and beliefs. So it is important for the client to know whom they are going to see. Ask around for suggestions with friends and family, get referrals, you might be surprised by who you know that has already seen a hypnotherapist before.
Another great place to gauge a hypnotherapist is the internet! Search for providers that have posted clinical certification and by which authorities. I have clinical certification from the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (A.C.H.E.), the oldest training and certification-based authority in the field of hypnosis to date. Their seal is also posted on my website, along with a couple of others for people who are looking to doing their homework on me. Be wary of anyone claiming they have a doctorate in hypnosis, because there is no such thing, and they are simply boosting their credentials to those who are none the wiser. Also, be aware that it is easy to get a ‘certificate’ for just about anything, so if a hypnotherapist is boosting a wall of certificates, that might be something to examine as well. All the research in the world on someone might sound impressive and have good referrals and references, but I still recommend getting on the phone and actually talking to the person one on one to see if they are a good fit for you. Only you, the client, will know based on a simple phone conversation if you think they will be a good fit for you or not.
It is helpful also if the hypnotherapist has client testimonials on their website. I have several on my website for past life regression and smoking cessation, my two specialties!  
3. Have a Consultation
Some hypnotherapists offer a complimentary consultation prior to booking a session, and others might add on an informal consultation at the beginning of the client’s first session.
Either way, ask your potential hypnotherapist if you can have a consultation with them. Some hypnotherapists might charge for this while others might not. This will vary and depend on the provider. At the very least, ask if a provider will take the time to answer some of your questions about your experience. This will also give the client a chance to ask specific questions relating to their therapeutic needs and what the hypnotherapists suggestions might be in relation to those needs.
These consultations are mostly used as a means of gaining your confidence as a client and for the client to become comfortable with the hypnotherapist. Generally, these consultations consist of explaining what hypnosis and hypnotherapy are and how clients benefit from the experience outside of the therapeutic needs. The more comfortable you are with the hypnotist, the more likely you will have a favorable outcome from the session.
Ask hypnotherapists how long they have been working in the field of hypnotherapy. I like to also note that while the more years of experience, the better, this does not necessarily indicate the quality of the hypnotherapist. I have known hypnotherapists who have been in the field much longer than I, and while experiencing their ‘therapy’, some sessions paid for and others as a volunteer client for training purposes, have been disappointed in how they managed the session, both before and after my own training of hypnotherapy. So, my little two cents, go with your gut based on your phone conversation.
If you live in a small town where there is only one or few hypnotherapists that you do not feel comfortable with after your phone consultations, consider traveling outside of your town to find one that your gut feels good with.
For me, I also think this first consultation is important, because depending on the client’s needs, if they are based in any type of abusive situation, I might advise seeing a same gender hypnotherapist for a client based on their phone consultation. For these clients or others that just do not feel would be a good match, a good hypnotherapist has outside referrals that they can send these clients to for support. I personally have another female and male hypnotherapist in my local area that I can refer out to if needed and that they send to me in a similar fashion. 
If you haven’t done so already, check out this post on what to expect in your first hypnotherapy session.
4. Establish Healthy Expectations
The best thing that any client who is about to have their first hypnotherapy session is to go into it with as open a mind as possible. This is truly essential to having the best session possible.
Know that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Sure, self-hypnosis is a great tool that many people can utilize for themselves. However, it is often much easier, faster, and effective for someone to undergo a hypnotherapy session to achieve the change they want than to do it through self-hypnosis.
Therefore, hypnotherapy is geared towards the client being receptive to the power of the hypnotist’s suggestions and their ability of subconscious exploration. Hypnotherapy, therefore is relying on the power of suggestion and subconscious exploration by the hypnotist. The hypnotherapist will be guiding you through your session verbally, and it is important to feel comfortable with following along. The more receptive you are to the suggestions during the session, the more likely you are to have a productive and inspiring session.
It is also vitally important to monitor your expectations. By going into your first session it will be the be-all and end-all cure to your problems is probably not healthy! And yet, people do it all the time and then are disappointed when their unrealistic expectation does not come to fruition. But the same method goes for approaching your session with skepticism. The more resistance you demonstrate in your first session, the harder it will be to explore the potential hypnotherapy as a healing modality.
Imagine that this first session that you are embarking on the start of your journey to your path of healing. It might very well be that the hypnotherapist recommend that you return for subsequent sessions, but again, that will vary on the client’s agreeableness to the suggestions and how much progress can be made in one session. Some hypnotherapists recommend bundling up several sessions as part of a package deal for a client to invest in, and others may not and may only do session by session. Generally, a hypnotherapist will not necessarily be prescribing a clear “end” to your work together. Hypnotherapy does not exactly operate like that. You may go in for two sessions, or you may go in for twenty, depending on your needs. It might be helpful for you to discuss healthy expectations for your hypnotherapy work with the hypnotist ahead of time.
Making the Most of Your First Hypnotherapy Session
As you prepare for your very first hypnotherapy session, just remember to relax. Hypnotherapy is a healing modality designed first and foremost to help you. The more comfortable and open-minded you can be about it, the better.
Be sure that you choose the right provider for your needs. If possible, sign up for a consultation ahead of your first session to establish expectations and ask key questions. This will always aid in your decision on deciding whether one provider over another is your best option.
If you are interested in booking a consultation with Amber Light, just click here to learn more or call 208-718-2340!